Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Shocktober 10/26/21

I know a while ago I mentioned Dick Briefer, a writer/artist in the golden age of comics who produced the first ongoing horror comics series, Frankenstein.

The series changed with the times, going from a scary monster in the early 1940s to a funny monster through the early 1950s to a horrifying, back-breaking monster in the mid-fifties.

The collection pictured above is from that last period, in which the Monster roamed the countryside, getting into various adventures/scrapes with people who refuse to understand the big lug. Some of the stories are heartbreaking. Others are horrifying. All are written and drawn by Briefer with substantial style and flair.

I had this collection ages ago, but lost it when I had to abandon La Casa Del Terror. (Have I mentioned that before? Seems like I have.)

But now? Most of the books I lost from that time are easily attainable now through either Amazon or eBay, mostly for affordable prices.

Now, if only I had somewhere to put them other than the store room at Mom's house.

Some day...

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