Saturday, April 23, 2011

We Now Pause Our Regularly Scheduled Easter Celebration... also celebrate the season premiere of Doctor Who on BBC America!

"Doctor Whoooooooo...WhoooooOOOOOOooooooo...."


belsum said...

Miss Ronica is *obsessed* with Doctor Who and this new season is just too scary to show her (haven't seen this weekend's ep yet) so we keep watching last season over and over and over and over and over and over...

Adoresixtyfour said...

So wait...this season is too scary (understandable), but the Weeping Angels and Silurians of last season aren't? (Those angels scare ME, so props to Ms. Ronica if she can stare 'em down.)

belsum said...

I haven't tried the Angels yet. Because...yeah. I think they'll be fine with the Silurians. Kirk was a bit snoided out by the Pandorica Opens/Big Bang but still loved it so I think they'll be fine with the rest. We'll see. Ronnie mostly just wants to watch The Eleventh Hour on repeat. (She is sort of OK with Ten but is not a fan of Nine at all. And with the Playstation Network STILL DOWN that makes it tough to watch anything Classic on Netflix Instant.)

Adoresixtyfour said...

Ronnie hasn't requested fish sticks and custard for dinner, has she?