Despite yesterday's snow--seriously, Mother Nature, WTF?--spring is making itself known in Chicago. Trees are noticeably greening all around, flowers are evident in all directions, the air is sweetening. All undeniable signs. I'll take my smiles where I can get 'em.
Do you know what flowers those are? When I was a kid, our neighbors had a tree in their backyard that bloomed with those flowers every spring, even if the weather was still frosty. The tree leaned heavily, lowly, over the fence into our backyard. I loved to go out and smell the blooms and remember to obey my mom's command not to "pick the neighbors' flowers!" My sister has a photo of me, around age six, dressed in my navy blue Easter suit, posed beneath the leaning branches of the tree--which was in full bloom. And what else? Snow on the ground.
We have no growth over here. It's just sad.
Soon, Li'l J, soon.
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