Saturday, October 9, 2010

Every Picture Tells a Story: 10/9/10

"They call him Machete..."

When Grindhouse came out three years ago, most viewers who looked at the fake trailer that preceded the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino double feature probably thought, "Man, that would make a fucking awesome movie." (As overused as the words "fucking awesome" no doubt are, they were nonetheless appropriate."

It took three years, but Rodriguez did finally get a full-length feature version of Machete to the big screen. The results? Less than "fucking awesome," most because the parade of famous faces in supporting roles (Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Don Johnson, etc.) made Danny Trejo seem like a guest star in his own movie.

However, one good thing did come out of Machete: a Danny Trejo action figure.

The articulation on the figure is limited--its knees and elbows don't bend at all. But does he look fantastic just standing there? Yes, he does.

In fact, he looks...wait for it...fuckin' awesome.


JB said...

Dang! He is much cool. Can't wait to see him at HMB.

Dee Williams said...

Here on Caprica we would say "frakkin' awesome," and frakkin' awesome it is!