Monday, July 4, 2022

The 4th of July 2022

This year, I'm celebrating our nation's birth with two of the most patriotic superheroes ever created: Captain America and the Shield.

Technically, the Shield was the first to be published with a cover date of January 1940, with the good Captain coming along with a cover date of March 1940.

Both have extraordinary physical powers and both are really smart. And, of course, both are living embodiments of our nation's flag.

The Shield lasted until issue 65 of Pep Comics, where he was replaced by a teenager named Archie Andrews. (Archie had been featured in stories since issue 22, but finally took over the comic completely with the 65th issue.)

Cap lasted a bit longer, until his 73rd issue in 1949. He was briefly revived as a "commie-smasher" in the 1950s (with some of the first comic book art by a very young John Romita Sr.), but his revival only lasted a few issues. He didn't really return--for good this time--until Avergers 4, when the team found Cap trapped in an iceberg. The rest, as they say, is history.

I had both of the collected editions pictured above back in the days of La Casa Del Terror. Now? Thanks to my friends at Amazon Marketplace, I have both editions again.

Have a happy and safe holiday, all.

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