Monday, November 22, 2010

A Thanksgiving Story

Thanksgiving week--yay! Turkeys get so much attention and respect the week of Thanksg...

Wait a minute...what am I so damn happy about? Yeah, turkeys get attention this the main course! I standing on a cutting board right now? Crap.

It's not just you, buddy. ALL turkeys are nervous this week--even plush ones like me! What'll we do? What can possibly save us?

Why, an unholy alliance with the Evil Bunny, of course! No one would dare mess with him! (Especially since he's been in exile since Easter...he's really, really pissed, yo.)

This Thanksgiving, it's personal!


JB said...

Evil Bunny finally puts his evil to good use. I still don't trust him.

Adoresixtyfour said...

Nor should you. He's just adding the turkeys as the latest recruits for his Psycho Bunny Army. They will rule.

JB said...

Even Plush Turkey? Awww, but he looks so soft and sweet!

Adoresixtyfour said...

See, but you used to think Evil Bunny was sweet too. Then you met him. And were never the same.