Mom's oldest kitty, Peeper, who died this past Friday at the age of 20. She was in excellent health--you'd never have even known she was a geriatric feline if somebody didn't tell you--until the past year, when her eyesight started to fail (she could see things that were right in front of her, but not much else) and she began to lose weight. Still, she was able to get around just fine, had a decent appetite and, whenever I visited, sat on the loveseat next to me in a pet bed just for her, until finally she stopped eating and could no longer walk in anything but wobbly circles.
This past Saturday, I visited Mom, but the pet bed was empty.
Mom had Peeper from the day she was born until the day she died. In between? there was much unconditional love--both given and received.
I’m very sorry for your loss.
Such a sweetheart. Good kitty. I'm sending lots of pets and snuggles to the Great Beyond.
Thanks, Mr. E.
She really was a sweetheart, Belsum. Never saw her be mean to another kitty, always liked to cuddle. Even as poorly as she felt those last few weeks, she sat with me and rubbed on my hand whenever I placed it on her cheek or under her chin. A cat who always made you smile--that was Peeper.
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