Please remember these names: William Beavers. Jerry Butler. Joseph Mario Moreno. Deborah Sims. Earlean Collins. Robert Steele.
There are the Cook County Commissioners who either voted against overriding Country Board President Todd Stroger's veto of
the repeal of the 1% increase in the county sales tax--a repeal voted for by 12 out of the 15 County Commissioners present at the previous board meeting--or who merely voted "present." (If you're not going to vote on a highly controversial matter such as this, why bother showing up at all? Stay home. Do some yard work. Go grocery shopping. Any of these would be more useful than voting "present.")
By upholding President Stroger's veto, these six commissioners have voted to uphold the wasteful, bloated government Stroger has presided since being elected in 2006--a government Stroger promised to trim of waste and bloat during his election campaign, but has refused to touch in any meaningful way since, instead hiring relatives and friends for high-paying county jobs at a time when increasing numbers of his constituents are out of work.
They have voted to uphold the economic burden this tax places on their communities, many of which are poor and lack the resources (transportation to other counties/states or Internet access) to work around this odious tax.
They have voted in favor of fiscal and political irresponsibility of the highest (or lowest, depending on your perspective) order.
They have voted to keep stealing dollars from their constituents, making sizable piles out of said dollars and burning them as often as please without even a hint of consequence or responsibility.
Look at those names again: William Beavers. Jerry Butler. Joseph Mario Moreno. Deborah Sims. Earlean Collins. Robert Steele.
Remember them. And, when they come up for re-election next year? If you should happen to live in a district represented by one of these "public servants," please engage in an act of genuine public service and vote them out of office.
If they won't act responsibly, we, the voters of Cook County, must act responsibly in their stead.