Friday, August 29, 2008

Lessons in Bad Advertising (Horror Film Edition)

I recently read on Diablo Cody's blog that she was "furious" about the poster art for her upcoming movie, Jennifer's Body (which, as far as I know, doesn't have a release date, but I'm hoping for something before or even on Halloween, because I could use a good horror-comedy right about now). She didn't expand upon her anger other than to note that she'd made herself hoarse that morning from yelling about it. I stopped reading at that point and sought out the poster itself.

It was easily found on the Internets, as you can plainly see above, but the image didn't clarify the specific reason for the fury--granted, it's a pretty uninspired idea for a movie poster (very 1992, with a bit of Hammer sexy gore thrown in), but I've seen much, much worse.

Then, last week, on my way into work, I saw the poster at the right on a bus shelter and did a literal double take.

At first, I thought it was the poster for Jennifer's Body and was momentarily excited at the prospect that its release might be as imminent as I'd hoped. Then, I looked at it more closely and realized that it was an advert for a completely separate and unrelated horror project.

Oh. Dear.

The poster for True Blood (an upcoming miniseries on HBO) is practically a mirror image of the Jennifer's Body poster--take the hair off of one and the fangs off the other and they're pretty much identical.

So the poster for Jennifer's Body poster is not merely uninspired--it's a blatant ripoff of somebody else's uninspired poster. Small wonder Diablo was pissed.

Under the circumstances, though, I think she showed admirable restraint by just yelling herself hoarse. If I'd been in that position, I'd likely have been, as Samuel L. Jackson so eloquently said in Pulp Fiction, "a mushroom cloud-laying motherfucker." Hollywood would be nothing but a smoking hole about now.


Laddical said...

Both posters make me queasy to look at - I'm not really averse to blood, but there's just something in them that feels like it wants me to think the movie is trashy fun, but what I'm hearing is "mean-spirited dreck". I don't know why - I think it's the tongues licking the blood that pushes it over the top, but I can't be sure. Either way, I probably won't be checking out either unless some other advertising or word of mouth is more encouraging.

belsum said...

I'm actually more interested in the HBO show than the movie (sorry Brook). But that's really lame that the posters are so very nearly identical.

Was the rant on her MySpace blog? Hmmm, something must be fooked with my subscriptions then...

Adoresixtyfour said...

Nothing is wrong with your television, I mean your MySpace subscriptions. DC's comment about the poster is buried in the comments of her last blog entry, which is a month old. I've just been lazy about posting my take on it here. I suck like that sometimes.

Also? I'm really looking forward to Jennifer's Body...wait...that didn't come out quite right...let's put it this way instead: I trust the screenwriter's skill and sense of humor absolutely. True Blood? Not as sure about that. And I don't have HBO.

superbadfriend said...

I don't have HBO, but was told True Blood is an excellent read.

I would have made a poster for Brook's movie. Maybe I will mock one up for shits and grins anyway!
