Thursday, January 10, 2008

January Poems #10: The Primate House

Once, JB challenged me to write a poem using the word "monkey." I don't remember why--maybe because, in our daily lives, we kept seeing people going well out of their way to avoid using their brains and practically embracing their animal instincts, which weren't quite as deep-down as everyone likes to assume. At least that's how I interpreted the challenge below.

Charlie Darwin was wrong
about evolution elevating
Peoplekind above our tree-
bound brethren. The only
difference since our tails
fell off is the distance
we get to travel before we
hit the ground running on
all fours. Adam and Eve
didn't munch on an apple
in Eden. It was a bunch
of bananas and we've been
slipping on the peels ever
since: More intelligent but
not smarter, not better,
not above chattering and
scratching and waiting for
someone to miss a branch,
snap a vine, turn an oh-
so-appealing back just long
enough for the tails to
sprout out, the fur to fly
along with whatever else
can't be eaten and the
paws to be licked clean
in damp anticipation of
another's slip, slide or
ignorance of the facts
that some are born stupid,
some work incredibly hard
at it and some have not
forgotten how to go monkey.

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