Monday, October 26, 2020

Shocktober 10/26/20

The last time I mentioned Horror Hotel, I lamented that the converter box in Mom's living room no longer picked up Retro TV, also home of Drive-in Movie Maniacs, Offbeat Cinema and Halloween Harvey's Festival of Fear.

Since then? The converter box has been replaced, and now I get ALL of the aforementioned shows--very important at this festive time of year.

I also get Comet, a sci-fi channel that often runs horror movies as well.
Throw in Movies! and This, and I pretty much have all my October TV watching covered. If only I could get TCM over the airwaves, my Halloween horror fest would be complete.

Unfortunately, Mom no longer has cable, and I'm not making quite enough to swing it, so over-the-air viewing is what I have to work with.

And Lamia? She covers my Saturday nights with trivia, humor and beauty to spare. Nearly every Saturday night, you can find me on the living room couch (a.k.a. the bedroom), curled up and ready for my weekly dose of Horror Hotel.

Not this coming Saturday night, though. That has been reserved for the annual Halloween Movie Bash (a.k.a. HMB), this year held again at JB's place. Sadly, JB has no access to Retro TV and thus must settle for my descriptions of all the horror movie shows I get to see.

Then again, he has cable, and thus can watch TCM whenever he wants. So there's that.

Not that I'm jealous or anything like that. (Except I totally, totally am.)

1 comment:

JB said...

And I'm a little jealous of you having access to those channels, because the programming sounds so fun! Enjoy, bro!