Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where II'll Be Tomorrow Morning

Ever since Olivia was diagnosed with kidney failure back in April, I've dreaded every visit to the vet in the way I always dreaded exams in high school--I felt like we were being graded on our progress or lack thereof.

Not this time, though.

The last couple visits have been great, with Olivia's numbers going down or staying safely in "normal" ranges, and she hasn't changed significantly since our last appointment six weeks ago. Her appetite remains good most days, and her "bad" days--occasions where she only picks at her food or doesn't eat at all--are few and far between. We've fallen into a steady routine with medication (injections and pills) and treatments (subcutaneous fluids and liquid phosphorus binders). She doesn't even vomit very much anymore--no more often that a normal, healthy cat, really.

Most importantly, she acts like herself--bright eyed, bossy and beautiful.

Therefore, I expect tomorrow morning's appointment to go well. I expect her blood test to show she's either holding steady or, with just a bit of luck, improved even more than last time.

And these days, whenever anyone asks me how Olivia is doing, I'm no longer afraid to say that she's doing just fine.

Because she really is.


JB said...

Reading this post mad a day that's already great even better.

Dee Williams said...

And she really will be doing just fine!