Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Every Picture Tells a Story: Prologue

OK. I admit it. I've been bad about posting updates to the bloggity this month.

There are plenty of reasons--excuses, really--for my absence: Busy at work, birthday malaise, general lack of things to say, blee blee, blah blah. I have, however, kept up with taking pictures on the side, even if I haven't been posting them here.

This, dear reader, is to your benefit--or, more accurately, it will be.

I've decided that, for the month of June, I will post at least one photo a day. Most of the pictures will be in color and from the last year and a half--not so coincidentally, the very same amount of time that I've had my little Kodak digital camera. I will, however, still sneak some of my favorite black & white images in as well.

So drop by every day starting next Monday--you never know what you'll see.

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