Thursday, April 16, 2009

One Question

There are several questions I could ask of the conservative Americans who turned out to protest on Income Tax Day, such as why you some of you thought it was cool to compare President Barack Obama to Hitler (a comparison Republicans rightly howled at when applied to George W. Bush); to continue questioning the legitimacy of Obama's presidency (still asking about his birth certificate? really?); or, most astonishingly, to openly encouraged advocates of the secession of the state of Texas from America (this from pundits who questioned the patriotism of anyone who disagreed with them).

Those questions, however, would be digressions from the one question I really do want to ask:

Where were you the last eight years, when the Bush administration took the budget surplus left to them in 2000 and turned it into a crushing debt by 2008? Your voices should have been heard then, too.

1 comment:

JB said...

You rightly are a diplomatic writer when addressing (most) Republicans' short memories and personal/political hypocrisy; I am not, and so will write not another word.