Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January Poems #2: Four Walls

This was based on a nightmare in which I was trapped in one room for what seemed like an eternity. You know how dreams are--an whole virtual lifetime can go by in the space of a 20-minute nap. Now imagine that said lifetime is spent as described below. Not so appealing, that.

Hell is relative, is a
small square room
full of old ladies

in paisley who scent
of cat-worn couches
who go on for hours

and days and years
without ever getting
near the point or maybe

it's the same room but
with lots of windows
that won't open in July

won't close in December
won't let you remember
anything save for how

uncomfortable your own
skin is if only you
could just slip it off

just strip it down to
something moist and
motionless and gone.

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