Friday, April 19, 2013

These Angry Waters

Yesterday, Chicago saw an epic amount of rain for this area--totals one side or the other of seven inches were not uncommon throughout the area. It wasn't quite that bad in my neighborhood, but more than bad enough. Sidewalks were flooded. So were streets. There was no walking around "puddles." You either walked through them or you didn't walk at all.

This is the lawn in front of La Casa del Terror. The numerous floating cigarette butts are courtesy of the hipsters next door, who take their smoke breaks out there.

This is Montrose Avenue. Okay, this a large body of water. Montrose Avenue is under there somewhere.

This is the Chicago River. It is angry. Not as angry as other rivers in the area, which have either overflown their banks or will soon do so. At it's northern end, the banks are lower and flooding has occurred in those streets adjacent to it.

But here? It's just pissed off--and higher than I've ever seen it before.

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