Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shocktober: One Last Look

Another Halloween season has come and gone, and soon La Casa del Terror will return to (semi-)normal, though I will make a concerted effort to not only keep it clean, but to further reduce the clutter that continues to plague my space. (The bedroom is a mess--even if there were a woman on this planet crazy enough to sleep with me, I'd never bring her in there--and the pantry is piled high with...stuff.) So let us take one more look at decorations not documented in previous entries before their packed away until next Shocktober!


JB said...

I'm nuts about Halloween as is, but a visit to La Casa del Terror always makes the holiday even better.

Dee Williams said...

This night always leaves the fondest of memories for me. It's almost enough to help me make it through the year--almost. I'm already missing La Casa del Terror and HMB!