Friday, October 24, 2008

Shocktober: Friday is Bring Your Vampire to Work Day

Or, at least it is on this Friday before Halloween, when Bela Lugosi, Jonathan Frid and Christopher Lee are gracing my workspace with their fiendish presence. Coworkers have had little trouble recognizing the two actors who played Dracula on the bir screen, but have struggled to identify Barnabas Collins in the middle--perhaps because Dark Shadows went off the air before most of them were even born. (Yes, I'm old.)


JB said...

That is the coolest of your Action-Figure-Friday tableaus yet! All the way at bad-ass, baby! As you know, I have that same Bela figure. How in hellfire did you get him to stand that way? I had to pose the dapper dude in a position most unbecoming to a count just to keep him from falling on his face every ten minutes. Your boys? Rocking the castle!

belsum said...

Just wait until the inevitable Twilight merch starts showing up. Then you can have a sparkling Edward!