Friday, February 29, 2008

You Know, It Figures...

Right after I post an entry listing all my reviews for that movie review site, it turns out that I'm not writing for them anymore.

I don't want to go into the details, really, so I'll just say this: There was a disagreement over a review I wrote, and it was my choice to end the relationship with them.

No, I'm not happy about it--I have damn few outlets for my writing (here and my personal journal and that's about it), so I don't like giving up one. But sometimes you have to walk away from something in order to walk toward something else. And the only way to find that something else is to start walking.

1 comment:

superbadfriend said...

I was very disppointed to find out you were no longer writing reviews for Film Monthly. I know what pleasure you had writing for them.

I admire, you stuck to your beliefs. Not everyone would stand strong. Something else will come of this. Just hang in there.
